The last few years of U.S. (and world) history might become one of the most profound eras in the history of (hu)mankind when we look back on it with a critical eye.
We will see the corruption (in politics, in business, in governmental bodies/world agencies, in science, etc.) and wonder how we managed to miss the relevant pieces of information that seemed so clear in hindsight (and clear to those who dared to look closely enough while these things transpired and are currently transpiring).
Many of the so-called “conspiracy theorists” who turned out to be right (several conspiracies are being revealed right now if you look closely enough for the proof and NOT the media slants) will be revered as modern-day Galileos of sorts.
Humanity seems to be hypnotized and pitted against each other purely for the enjoyment of the bougiecrats (thanks for coining this term Toby Rogers - love it!) and many have fallen (rather easily I might add) prey to this behavior, along with many who are under the influence of mass formation psychosis (yes, that word DOES need to be included when mentioning this topic).
Our rights as a society seem to be slowly taken away; there is one set of laws for the bougiecrats and everyone else; those who commit obvious criminal acts are allowed to do so without consequences (as though nothing ever happened); what is wrong with our world and the people who inhabit this planet?
I think that 30% of the people in our westernized, developed countries can see through much of this BS, and there’s another 40% who are starting to understand just how much we are viewed as insignificant pawns in a game to those who consider us “useless eaters”, “mouth-breathers”, and are constantly insulting our intelligence with their supposed world views (i.e., which all boil down to power, money, & control). The other 30% - I really do feel sorry for them…they may be lost as they cannot change their views when presented with credible information (cognitive dissonance).
As a student of history, this period of time (crazy as it has been AND continues to be) and our collective response to these critical corruption conspiracy theories will be one for the ages…and I hope we have enough foresight to respond appropriately; our very existence as a species I believe will depend upon it.